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Bild zum Spielplatz CHUNGA playground in Odense Zoo
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Dänemark > Odense C > CHUNGA playground in Odense Zoo

Altersempfehlung: Für Kinder von 0-12 Jahren

Ausstattung: Kostenpflichtig, Eingezäunt, Liegt im Grünen, Schatten, Sitzbänke, Gastronomie / Kiosk, Parkplätze, Toiletten

Spielgeräte: Klettergerät mit Rutsche, Röhrenrutsche, Spielhaus, Balancier-Element, Hangelgerät

Barrierefreiheit: keine Angaben

‘Chunga' is the big lion in Odense Zoo. He is well known to the regulars and if you are a new visitor, you will definitly get to know him when you see the playground edition of him.

The dangerous giant lion lies in the grass. If you're silent enough, he won't notice you climbing up his sides and walk across his back, like a small ant. The lion has different levels to climb on.

For further information: https://monstrum.dk/en/playgrounds/Odens ezoo

Letztes Update am: 18.02.2020
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Dänemark > Odense C > CHUNGA playground in Odense Zoo

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The playground won the Reddot Award in 2017, The German Design Award in 2018 and was the bronze winner of the IDA Internation Design Award in 2017.


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