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Spanien > Arrasate/Mondragón > THE MONDRAGÓN playground

Altersempfehlung: Für Kinder von 0-6 Jahren

Ausstattung: keine Angaben

Spielgeräte: Kletterelement, Balancier-Element

Barrierefreiheit: keine Angaben

The city of Mondragón in Arrasate, Spain has an old legend, saying the city takes its name from a roaming "dragon", which was killing the village people.

Thus, Mondragon literally means "Mount of the dragon" and the towns coat of arms also depicts a dragon. It was therefore an obvious choice to create a dragon playground.

For further information: https://monstrum.dk/en/playground/mondra gon

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Aktualisiert am: 18.02.2020

Spanien > Arrasate/Mondragón > THE MONDRAGÓN playground

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The kids can climb up the side of the dragon and slide down and feel the tickeling in their stomachs.


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