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Dänemark > Kopenhagen > THE CROOKED HOUSES playground

Altersempfehlung: Für Kinder von 0-6 Jahren

Ausstattung: Schatten, Sitzbänke

Spielgeräte: Spielhaus, Kletterwand, Balancier-Element, Hangelgerät, Reckstange

Barrierefreiheit: keine Angaben

Brumleby is an old residential area in Copenhagen, which has a very characteristic look of yellow and white lime paint. The idea of the playground is to create a small piece of these old buildings to remind us of its fantastic history. The shape of the houses was stretched and squeezed as if they were bursting with energy and laughter.

For further information: https://monstrum.dk/en/playground/crooke d-houses

Letztes Update am: 25.02.2020
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22 Spielplätze 160 Fotos

Dänemark > Kopenhagen > THE CROOKED HOUSES playground

Deine Bewertung?
MiesNix BesonderesEin Besuch wertEcht coolWahnsinn!
The design is fun for kids to play in and inspires them to move and use their imagination, but it also adds identity and architectural value to the neighborhood.

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