Altersempfehlung: Für Kinder von 0-12 Jahren
Ausstattung: Eingezäunt, Toiletten
Spielgeräte: Wackelbrücke, Kletterelement, Seilkletterpyramide, Balancier-Element, Hangelgerät, Reckstange
Barrierefreiheit: keine Angaben
The spider playground at the outdoor area of Brønshøj School was made in collaboration with Marianne Levinsen Architects. The aim was to design the area to compliment the schools untraditional and modern look.
The giant spider has a dangerous and impressive vibe, daring you to explore it. You can choose to climb up one of the hairy legs or you can simply use the ladder on the side. The enormous size of the spider allows you to climb into the body of the spider.
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Welcher Spielplatz fehlt?
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