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Dänemark > Kopenhagen > THE TOWERS OF COPENHAGEN playground

Altersempfehlung: Für Kinder von 0-12 Jahren

Ausstattung: Liegt im Grünen, Schatten, Sitzbänke

Spielgeräte: Spielhaus

Barrierefreiheit: keine Angaben

The city park Fælledsparken of Copenhagen is the most visited park of the capital and is used for different events, gatherings and activities.

The MONSTRUM playground consists of five small versions of Copenhagen's most famous buildings: The Town Hall Tower, the tower of Our Saviour's Church, the Round Tower, the cupola of the Marble Church and the tower of the Stock Exchange.

For further information: https://monstrum.dk/en/playground/towers -copenhagen

Apart from the playground the park has a lot to offer visitors like the biggest skatepark in Northern Europe, outdoor chess tables for chess players, sports grounds and a dance pavilion.

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Aktualisiert am: 25.02.2020

Dänemark > Kopenhagen > THE TOWERS OF COPENHAGEN playground

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The playground won The Danish Design Award and "The Best of the City" award in 2012.

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