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Dänemark > Kopenhagen > THE MONSTER playground

Altersempfehlung: Für Kinder von 0-12 Jahren

Ausstattung: Schatten, Sitzbänke

Spielgeräte: Spielhaus, Balancier-Element

Barrierefreiheit: keine Angaben

The playground consists of a giant robot monster chained into the ground with boxes scattered next to him. The monster is composed of many different elements with different playing options. The upper torso and the head of the monster act as a playhouse and observation post. To get to the top platform in a height of approximately three meters the children must use climb studs placed on the sides of the monster, balance on beams that make up the monster's arm, or climb up the pipeslide that serves as the other arm.

For further information: https://monstrum.dk/en/playground/monste r

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Aktualisiert am: 25.02.2020

Dänemark > Kopenhagen > THE MONSTER playground

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The monster is more than 10 meters long from head to toe.

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