A charming playground with a historic atmosphere.
Beside the beaver, the playground consists of many trunks, climbable flowers and tall towers made to look like huge logs.
The design is fun for kids to play in and inspires them to move and use their imagination, but it also adds identity and architectural value to the neighborhood.
The playground won The Danish Design Award and "The Best of the City" award in 2012.
The monster is more than 10 meters long from head to toe.
Here the kids can play the victorious knight, storming the tower and using the catapult.
The playground is designed to include the whole family and even kids with physical handicaps.
Come and play with us!
Very nice idea: All the houses are connected by tube telephones, so that you can call before you pay a visit.
The kids can climb up the side of the dragon and slide down and feel the tickeling in their stomachs.
The colors are bright, friendly and playful, giving the overall design of the playground a friendly and warm expression.
The main element in the playground is the flower castle. Take a ride down the slide from the big closet, or climb up in the giant watch.
Climb up to the end of the sky - a palace of play features
A unique play area for the kids with room for their imagination and physical play.
The adventurous scene enables kids to move across the playground without touching the ground and play ‘The floor is lava’ and other games.
The playground won the Reddot Award in 2017, The German Design Award in 2018 and was the bronze winner of the IDA Internation Design Award in 2017.
A magical playground that fits the design in the garden of the park. A feeling of being in a garden with giant flowers, trunks, giant ants, grass straws and leaves.
An exciting playground divided into two areas: 'The Harbour' playground and 'The Eidel Duck' playground.
The big pike is approximately 12 m long, 2 m high and 2 meters wide. The kids can crawl up the top of its head and look out at the rest of the playground. The pike has a pole slide down from its back.
It is possible to ride the space shuttle and vehicles of the Russian space program, after learning about them at the museum.
A playground that takes you all around the world.
9 playgrounds, with a storyline and concept that matched LEGO’s imaginative universe.